Posts Tagged ‘quartet-fused’

10 Best Pantera Songs

Choosing the 10 best Pantera songs is no easy feat, since there are so many good ones, full of power grooves that incite moshpits; resonant rhythms that could rattle your teeth loose from your gums; and drill sergeant vocals. Those were the sonic hallmarks of Pantera , without question one of the most important metal bands of the '90s and of the genre overall. The Texas quartet fused equal parts chest-puffing brawn and bravado, but make no mistake: Philip Anselmo, Dimebag Darrell, Vinnie Paul and Rex Brown infused the testosterone-driven mix with pure heart. Metal fans banged their heads furiously until their necks ached, thanks to those pummeling power grooves and Anselmo's militaristic delivery. But Pantera's music made you think at the same time. Their catalog is littered with some of the most memorable riffs of all time, and lyrical declarations that have been tattooed on bodies and were screamed back at them at live shows. So without further adieu, here is our list of the 10 best songs by Pantera: